About the Readers

Mr Gray: Located in St. Louis MO.
I am the founder of Gray Witch Tarot. I started this network as a place for psychics and spiritual seekers alike to come together, have a place to safely grow, achieve a deeper spiritual connection and gain an understanding of the world surrounding us all.
I am an intuitive, empath, clairvoyant and Tarot reader. I also perform divination with Oracle, pendulum and Runes. Also, I am a practicing witch who is experienced in master spell casting.
The services I offer are: private Tarot reading and spell casting. The type of casting I preform includes love, money, banishing and binding spells. You can catch me live on the Gray Witch Tarot Facebook group for free and donation based readings or contact me personally for your spiritual needs.
Book a reading now: Submit form on book a reading page.

Shresth: Guest Indian Mystic located in India.
I have been spiritually inclined ever since childhood, I am strongly connected to the father sky and mother earth , an intuitive empath who feels others emotions and energy, I also read Aura to learn about a person's potentialities and drawbacks and give guidance on cleansing and strengthening it. I am an old soul I have been doing this for many lifetimes. , I use divination tools like; Tarot cards, Oracle cards, Crystals & read coffee cups(tasseography) to take a peek into someone's past present or future. I also channel messages for Querents to make the best out of any situation .
I work my energy through fortune telling and guiding people to reach their highest potential as a spiritual being.
I work closely with the elements of the earth so I can cast spells for blockage removal, Karma cleansing , manifestation of desires, Past life regression & Energy healing .
Book a reading now: tarotwithshrestha@gmail.com

Arica: Guest located in Michigan .
I am an Intuitive empath, oracle reader, pendulum reader, and aura reader. I can tell you which chakras are needing help as well. I offer Private Readings and Guidance from Spirit. I use my tools to find the answers or help you find clarity for your personal needs. Growing up I was always super sensitive to everything around me and have always been connected to the Divine Spirit. I have a deep belief in Angels and Guides that come through in my card readings. I can see Auras ever since I was young. I went through Dark Night of the Soul at age 35 when I knew that things were changing and everything grew to be much stronger. I have been able to develop myself and help others along the way. I can also help with teaching and inspiring others To be able to Manifest the life they want. I hope to be a Calming bright light to people and source of support.
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